Ebitda Cambio Fecha
American States Water USD 50.08M 16.01M 2024-12
Avista USD 172.21M 55.55M 2024-12
California Water Service USD 100.36M 12.43M 2024-09
Chesapeake Utilities USD 81.75M 23.06M 2024-12
EYDAP EUR 33.28M 11.41M 2024-06
Genie Energy USD 11.99M 1.11M 2024-09
Hawaiian Electric Industries USD 110.64M 41.46M 2024-12
Mge Energy USD 55.59M 19.66M 2024-12
Northwest Natural Gas USD 129.34M 99.57M 2024-12
Northwestern USD 152.13M 18.13M 2024-12
Pennon GBP 163.5M 4.8M 2024-09
Severn Trent GBP 523.6M 54.5M 2024-09
SJW USD 72.91M 13.41M 2024-12
Terna Energy EUR 98.95M 6.79M 2024-06
Thessaloniki Water And Sewage EUR 9.91M 1.24M 2024-06
United Utilities GBP 576.8M 109.3M 2024-09
XPLR Infrastructure USD 180M 91M 2024-12

Thessaloniki Water and Sewage - Los valores actuales, los datos históricos, las previsiones, estadísticas, gráficas y calendario económico - Mar 2025.